It can be used anywhere, and it has a variety of stories covering swindless to suspense stories or documentaries about a new religion and A strange American girl.
Touristic sites are recommended and we provide information about climate and the weather in the most important places.
So we hope you will like this, you will enjoy it and most of all, it will be useful for you.
Nos gustó su blog pero nos parece que tendrían que acomodar las publicidades, quedarían mejor como gadget. Besos
ResponderEliminarWe like your blog but we think you could order de publicities, it will be better. Kisses
Boys, you’ve constituted a group that has worked hard during the year. You’ve achieved a marked improvement on the first drafts you’ve submitted. In my opinion, you’ve shown a lot of commitment to this writing project throughout the process of carrying out it; and you’ve always handed in your papers on time. You’ve used a good selection of resources and made words sound your voice. You’ve always had an open-mind and you’ve always welcomed my suggestions to improve your work. The blog you’ve created is really attractive and I think you’ve applied technological tools in a wise way. I’ve always thought I would see from you one of the best blogs among all the class groups… but I don’t know what has happened… I’ve suggested you some changes and I’ve also made some corrections to the previous version of the blog, and only some of them were implemented. Your writing work is good but it does not bright as I hoped because there are a lot of spelling mistakes and transcription mistakes. Maybe it’s been a misunderstanding… I don’t know what to say… These are your first writing steps. I hope you will improve even more in the future. Good first attempt! Mrs. Liliana Lo Preiato